The artwork titled “Leisure” was created by the renowned artist Ilya Repin in 1882. It is representative of the Realism art movement, characterizing the work as a truthful depiction of everyday scenes without idealization. Specifically, this piece falls into the genre of sketch and study, showcasing a more spontaneous and immediate capture of the subject.
The artwork features a woman at rest in a relaxed posture, with one arm casually draped over the back of a chair. Her head is tilted downward, suggesting that she may be asleep or lost in contemplation. The dress she wears has embellishments on the bodice, conveying a sense of casual elegance. The artist has employed fluid, expressive lines to delineate her figure and attire, creating a dynamic sense of form and movement even within the stillness of the scene. The sketch is rendered in a loose, yet confident style, typical of an artist’s preliminary work, where capturing the essence of the moment is more crucial than meticulous detail. The artwork conveys a poignant sense of tranquility and the simple beauty of a moment of rest.