“Lepanto, Part IX” is an abstract artwork created by the artist Cy Twombly in 2001. It belongs to the Neo-Expressionism art movement and is part of the “Lepanto” series. This artwork measures 215.3 cm in height and 335.3 cm in width.
The painting is characterized by a gestural style that is emblematic of Twombly’s work, with frenetic scribbles, smudges, and abstract forms. It features a predominantly white background overlaid with energetic strokes and lines in various colors, including reds, yellows, and faint traces of other hues. The composition might suggest a sense of chaos and motion, with certain elements possibly representing boats or figures, consistent with the series’ allusion to the naval Battle of Lepanto. The drips and marks that traverse the canvas contribute to a sense of dynamic action, as if capturing a fleeting moment or the residue of a past event.