Norman Rockwell was an acclaimed American author, painter, and illustrator known for his depiction of American culture. In 1942, the Ordnance Department of the US Army commissioned Rockwell to create an artwork that would encourage the production of munitions during World War II. The resulting artwork, titled “Let’s Give Him Enough and On Time,” features an American soldier firing a heavy machine gun.
The poster features red text on a yellow background, with additional small text in the bottom margin that reads “U.S. Government Printing Office: 1942-O-468088 Ordnance Department, U.S. Army Keep ‘Em Shooting.” The artwork is highly collectible as an original WWII poster and has been reproduced as canvas prints, off-set lithographs, and color lithographs.
The purpose of the artwork was to inspire workers in munitions factories to produce enough weapons and supplies for the soldiers on the front lines. The message is clear and straightforward, urging the American public to support the war effort by working hard and providing soldiers with the necessary resources. Norman Rockwell’s artwork is an important artifact of American history, symbolizing the country’s determination to win the war by any means necessary.