The artwork, titled “Light Red Over Black,” was created by Mark Rothko in 1957. Executed in oil on canvas, it is an exemplary piece of the Color Field Painting art movement. The dimensions of the artwork are 230 x 152 cm, and it belongs to the abstract genre. Currently, it is housed at Tate Britain in London, UK.
In the artwork, two horizontal rectangles dominate the canvas, one positioned above the other. The upper rectangle is a vibrant light red, while the lower segment is a deep black. The boundaries between the colors are soft and blurred, creating a sense of diffusion and blending. The light red appears to envelop and suffuse into the black, generating an interplay of light and dark that is both compelling and atmospheric. The simplicity and scale of the composition evoke deep emotional responses and immersive contemplation, characteristic of Rothko’s distinctive style.