The artwork titled “Lisa with a Mandolin” was created by Marc Chagall in 1914 in Paris, France. This oil on cardboard piece belongs to the Expressionism art movement and represents a portrait genre. Currently, the artwork is held in a private collection.
In “Lisa with a Mandolin,” Marc Chagall portrays a figure, presumably named Lisa, immersed in playing a mandolin. The artwork exhibits bold and vibrant colors characteristic of Expressionism, bringing an almost surreal atmosphere to the scene. The figure sits indoors next to a window, through which a dark, enigmatic outdoor view is visible. The interplay of light and shadow, along with the artist’s distinctive brushwork, conveys a sense of emotional depth and introspection. Notable details include the figure’s ornate attire and the presence of a sheet of music, emphasizing the central theme of musical engagement. The overall composition is rich in texture and symbolism, reflecting Chagall’s unique artistic vision.