The artwork, titled “Little Girl with a Blue Bowl,” was created by William-Adolphe Bouguereau in 1879. Executed using oil on canvas, this piece is representative of the Academicism movement and falls within the genre painting category.
The painting portrays a young girl seated on a chair, holding a blue bowl delicately in her hands. The artist has rendered the girl’s features with exquisite detail, capturing an expression of subtle contemplation. The background is dark and muted, which serves to highlight the subject’s softly lit face and finely textured clothing. The girl’s attire consists of a dark bodice over a light blouse, emphasizing the contrast between light and shadow in the work. Bouguereau’s meticulous technique and attention to detail are evident in the rendering of the bowl’s intricate design and the realistic texture of the girl’s skin and hair. The overall composition is harmonious and exudes a serene, yet poignant atmosphere.