The artwork, titled “London Olympics Aquatics Centre,” was created by the renowned artist Zaha Hadid, with its design and construction spanning from 2005 to 2011. This architectural piece exemplifies modern design and innovation and served as a significant venue for the 2012 London Olympics.
The artwork showcases a sleek, flowing form reminiscent of a wave, embodying dynamism and fluidity, which mirrors the aquatic nature of the events it hosts. The structure is marked by its expansive roof that curves elegantly, supported by minimalistic, sharp-edged supports that ground the building in a contemporary aesthetic. Its surfaces blend a combination of materials and textures that transition seamlessly, creating a visual harmony while maintaining a distinctive, innovative appearance. The intricate interplay between the soaring roofline and the grounded base presents a juxtaposition of strength and grace, encapsulating the forward-thinking vision of Zaha Hadid in this monumental piece of architecture.