The artwork titled “Loplop Introduces a Young Girl” by Max Ernst was created in 1930 in Paris, France. This piece, which belongs to the Dada movement, is a striking example of abstract genre, utilizing collage, oil, and wood as its mediums. Measuring 195 x 89 cm, it is currently housed at the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris, France.
The artwork depicts a surreal scene dominated by abstract forms layered upon a textured background. A prominent abstract figure, presumed to be Loplop, is positioned at the top, painted in muted tones. The figure appears to hold an enigmatic frame within which various intriguing elements are encapsulated. These components include a plate-like object adorned with dark hair, intersecting lines, and an egg-shaped form, all contributing to the dream-like quality of the composition. The overall use of colors, textures, and shapes emphasizes the surreal and investigative essence of Dadaism, creating a thought-provoking visual experience.