“Louse Point,” created by Saul Steinberg in 1967, falls under the Expressionism art movement and belongs to the genre of illustration. The artwork features a series of small landscape illustrations, each accompanied by scripted text and official-looking seals, demonstrating Steinberg’s unique ability to blend imagery with the written word.
The artwork consists of six framed illustrations arranged in a grid layout. The upper row holds three distinct landscapes: one depicting a serene, earthy horizon, another showcasing a rainbow arching over a green field, and the third presenting a stark oceanic scene under a cloud-filled sky. The lower row exhibits three similar scenes: a minimalistic horizon, a landscape adorned with what appears to be official seals and signatures, and an abstract depiction using red, white, and blue horizontal stripes with a seal in the center. Each illustration is paired with cursive annotations that mimic legal or governmental documentation, enhancing the formal, bureaucratic theme of the piece. The artwork as a whole exudes a reflective and contemplative tone, inviting viewers to ponder the intersection of art, authority, and nature.