“Lovers,” created by Marc Chagall in 1914, is an artwork rendered in ink on paper. This piece falls under the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement and is categorized as a genre painting. Measuring 23 by 18 centimeters, it is housed in the Pskov State United Museum of History, Architecture and Fine Arts in Pskov, Russia.
The artwork portrays an intimate scene of two lovers engaged in a kiss, encapsulated within an oval frame. The figures are depicted with exaggerated features and tender expressions, characteristic of Chagall’s distinctive style. The use of black ink contrasts sharply against the white background, accentuating the emotional connection between the characters. Their faces, drawn in a simple yet expressive manner, evoke a sense of profound affection, enhancing the overall romantic atmosphere of the piece. The simplicity and candidness of the scene reflect the Naïve Art movement’s emphasis on straightforward emotion and honesty in artistic expression.