The artwork titled “Lucifer” by Roberto Ferri, created in 2013 in Italy, belongs to the Neo-baroque and Kitsch art movements. This religious and nude painting measures 146 x 114.5 cm. The piece prominently features Lucifer, represented as a muscular, nude male figure bearing dark, feathered wings, seated on a rocky outcrop against a backdrop of ominous clouds and misty landscape. His body language, with head bowed and wings folded, suggests a state of contemplation or melancholy, embodying both strength and vulnerability. The use of chiaroscuro enhances the dramatic tension in the artwork, characteristic of the Neo-baroque style, while the detailed rendering of Lucifer’s form reveals Ferri’s fascination with classical beauty and the human anatomy.
Lucifer (2013; Italy) by Roberto Ferri
Artwork Information
Title | Lucifer |
Artist | Roberto Ferri |
Date | 2013; Italy |
Dimensions | 146 x 114.5 cm |
Art Movement | Neo-baroque,Kitsch |