The artwork titled “Madame Georges van Muyden” was created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1917 in Paris, France. This piece, executed in oil on canvas, is a prime example of the Expressionist movement. Measuring 92 by 65 centimeters, this portrait is housed in the Museo de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) in São Paulo, Brazil.
The artwork depicts a woman, Madame Georges van Muyden, seated against a dark and subdued background. Her elongated neck, characteristic of Modigliani’s style, and her slightly tilted head convey a sense of elegance and introspection. The woman wears a dark off-the-shoulder dress, which contrasts sharply with her light skin, drawing attention to her graceful posture. The color palette is dominated by deep blues, blacks, and muted tones, which enhance the melancholic and contemplative mood of the portrait. The rendering of her facial features, with simplified lines and shapes, exemplifies Modigliani’s unique approach to portraiture within the Expressionist movement.