The artwork titled “Madeleine” was created by the renowned artist Pablo Picasso in 1904. This piece is an oil painting on cardboard and falls under the Post-Impressionism movement, characterized by expressive and non-naturalistic styles postdating Impressionism. “Madeleine” is of the genre sketch and study, and it measures approximately 69 by 52 centimeters.
In describing the artwork, it presents a profile view of a female figure, rendered with Picasso’s distinct linearity and subtle yet expressive brush strokes. The color palette is relatively muted, dominated by tones of brown and beige that complement the cardboard medium, with the woman’s face and headpiece contrasted in darker, more defined hues. The subject’s features are captured with a combination of both precision and fluidity, indicative of a study rather than a refined portrait. The background is intentionally sparse, directing the viewer’s focus to the subject’s contemplative expression. The raw quality of the piece, particularly evident in the visible cardboard texture and the absence of a detailed setting, suggests that this work served as an exploration of form and character during Picasso’s early artistic endeavors.