“Maleine’s Room,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1913, is an example of the Art Nouveau movement and falls within the design genre. Roerich’s choice of style in this artwork reflects the period’s embrace of modern forms and decorative arts.
The artwork is a detailed pencil drawing depicting an intricately designed room that features Gothic architectural elements. The vaulted ceilings are adorned with ornamental arches and ribbed vaults that draw the viewer’s eye upwards, emphasizing the height and grandeur of the space. The single, tall, narrow window, set into an arched recess, allows a subtle play of light and shadow to define the room’s dimensions and textures. The flooring is elaborately patterned, showcasing a geometric design that enhances the overall unity and flow of the room’s aesthetic. The interior’s rich detailing and elaborate craftsmanship are characteristic of the Art Nouveau movement, which sought to break away from traditional artistic conventions towards more fluid and organic designs.