“Mallarme’s Swan,” created by Robert Motherwell in 1944, is an abstract piece of art rendered using crayon, gouache, and cardboard. The artwork, measuring 110.5 x 90.2 cm, is associated with the Abstract Expressionism movement and currently resides in the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
The artwork is characterized by its composition of geometric shapes and bold use of color. Dominated by a palette of yellows, blues, and tans, the work showcases an interplay of rectangular and oval forms, creating a dynamic yet balanced visual experience. The vertical orientation of shapes suggests a sense of structure, perhaps hinting at the architectural or the corporeal. The application of crayon and gouache on cardboard brings a textural depth to the piece, allowing the viewer to appreciate the artist’s technique and the medium’s intrinsic qualities. Through its abstract nature, “Mallarme’s Swan” invites viewers to interpret the forms and colors in their own unique way, embodying the principles of Abstract Expressionism.