The artwork, titled “Man Feeding Chickens or Sowing,” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1883 while he was in The Hague, Netherlands. Executed in pencil and wash on paper, this piece is an exemplary representation of the Realism movement and belongs to the genre painting category. Presently, it is housed in the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a man engaged in an agricultural activity, which appears to be either feeding chickens or sowing seeds. The figure is captured in a dynamic pose, with one arm outstretched, actively involved in his task. He is dressed in simple, rustic attire, characteristic of the working class during that period. The use of pencil and wash techniques creates a striking contrast between the dark background and the lighter, more detailed figure, emphasizing the man’s form and motion. The composition, though seemingly simple, effectively conveys the labor and daily life of the rural populace, a common theme in van Gogh’s early works.