The artwork titled “Man, Standing, Reading a Book,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1882 in The Hague, Netherlands, is an exemplary piece of the Realism movement. Crafted using chalk and pencil on paper, this genre painting resides in a private collection.
The artwork depicts an elderly man standing intently and reading a book. Rendered in a monochromatic palette, the figure exudes a solemn and contemplative aura. The man’s attire, consisting of a vest and trousers, along with his poised stance, highlights Van Gogh’s meticulous attention to detail and his ability to capture the subtleties of human expression and posture. The background is minimalistic, drawing the viewer’s focus entirely on the subject, thereby emphasizing the peaceful and introspective moment. The shading and use of light and shadow are skillfully employed to provide depth and texture to the figure, further enhancing the realism for which Van Gogh is renowned.