The artwork titled “Man with ice-cream cone” was created by the renowned artist Pablo Picasso in the year 1938. Composed using Indian ink on paper, this piece is categorized within the Surrealism art movement and is recognized as a portrait genre work.
In this artwork, viewers are presented with a vigorously sketched portrait of a man who appears to be enjoying an ice-cream cone. Picasso’s confident and spontaneous line work creates a dynamic and somewhat abstract depiction of the subject. The lines are densely packed and bold, evidencing a certain intensity and rawness characteristic of Picasso’s style during his involvement with Surrealism. Features of the man are exaggerated and stylistically rendered, contributing to the overall surreal effect of the portrait. The man is adorned with a hat, and his gaze seems to be directed elsewhere, perhaps evoking a moment of everyday leisure contrasted with a sense of internal contemplation.