The artwork, titled “Marguerite Gachet at the Piano,” was created by the illustrious artist Vincent van Gogh in 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. Executed using chalk on paper, this piece belongs to the Post-Impressionism art movement and falls under the genre of sketch and study.
The artwork portrays a woman, Marguerite Gachet, seated at a piano. The woman is depicted in a semi-profile view, concentrating on the keys of the piano, her hands gracefully poised to play. The background features a green wall adorned with red dots, while the floor is rendered in shades of red. Van Gogh’s characteristic brushwork is evident throughout the piece, with energetic, swirling lines capturing the textures of the woman’s dress, the piano, and the background, infusing the artwork with a sense of movement and vitality. The interplay of colors and the detailed depiction of Marguerite create a vivid and evocative portrait, illustrating Van Gogh’s masterful technique and deep emotional expression.