The artwork titled “Maria conferens in corde suo (Matthew 1:23),” was created by Salvador Dali between the years 1964 and 1967. Executed in gouache, a method using opaque watercolors, this piece forms part of “The Biblia Sacra” series, a collection that draws its inspiration from religious texts. The artwork embodies the Expressionism and Symbolism art movements, and it is categorized within the genre of religious painting. The focus of the piece is a biblical subject matter, reflecting on the enduring legacy and spiritual depth associated with sacred narratives.
The artwork presents a striking juxtaposition of geometric and flowing forms. Dominated by a vivid blue cloak, the central figure, which implies the Virgin Mary, is depicted in a manner that is at once abstract and tender, with the loving portrayal of Mary embracing a child. Surrounding the figures is an expansive burst of yellow, radiating like a divine presence or halo, creating a dramatic backdrop. This central burst of color may suggest a supernatural or heavenly light, which is a common motif in religious artwork symbolizing divine intervention or presence.
Below the figures, one can discern a landscape, rendered with loose, sketch-like lines suggesting a terrain that stretches into the distance. This could represent the earthly realm in contrast to the spiritual experience represented by the main figures. The composition has a dreamlike quality, with Dali’s surrealist inclinations breathing through the choice of color and fluid representation of form. Despite the simplified facial features and abstracted elements, there is a sense of profound contemplation and internal reflection captured within the figures, prompted by the artwork’s title referencing Mary’s contemplation in her heart as recounted in the Gospel of Matthew.