The artwork titled “Maria White,” created by Lewis Carroll in 1864, belongs to the Pictorialism art movement and falls within the genre of photography. The artwork captures a serene and contemplative moment of a young girl, depicted in a vintage photographic style characteristic of the Pictorialism movement.
In the artwork, a young girl named Maria White is the focal point. She is seated by a solid, textured wall and appears to be in a pensive mood. Dressed in a detailed, ruffled dress that suggests the fashion of the mid-19th century, she holds a delicate sprig of flowers in her hand. The composition is meticulously framed, highlighting the intricate details of her attire and her gentle demeanor. Maria’s gaze is directed downwards, adding an introspective quality to the image. The sepia tones and soft focus, typical of Pictorialism photography, enhance the photograph’s nostalgic and emotive ambiance. Beneath the photograph, the name “Maria White” is inscribed in a distinct, handwritten style, further personalizing the artwork and imparting a sense of historical documentation.