The artwork titled “Master Robert Kelso Cassatt,” created by Mary Cassatt around 1882, is an oil painting on canvas characterized by the Impressionist movement. This portrait genre piece, which currently resides in a private collection, depicts a young child in an informal setting and is exemplary of Cassatt’s focus on intimate, personal subjects and her deft use of color and light.
In the artwork, the subject presented is a young boy, presumably Master Robert Kelso Cassatt, captured in a candid and introspective moment. The child’s face expresses a sense of contemplation and tranquility, as he looks off to the side, rather than directly engaging with the viewer. His attire is indicative of the period, featuring a dark coat with a collared shirt and patterned ascot, which contrasts with his fair complexion and light-brown hair.
The background and the boy’s chair are rendered with loose, expressive brushstrokes that are hallmarks of the Impressionist style. These strokes create a vibrant, almost abstract setting around the child, which seems to be in motion, providing a contrast to the more defined and carefully depicted features of the subject’s face and hands. Cassatt’s choice of a warm, earthy palette enhances the feeling of warmth and immediacy.
There is a sense of immediacy and emotional depth to the artwork. Cassatt, a prominent female artist within the Impressionist circle, is often recognized for her insightful portrayal of children and women, highlighting moments of everyday life with a remarkable tenderness and psychological acuity. In “Master Robert Kelso Cassatt,” these qualities are evident, showcasing her exceptional ability to capture the essence of her subjects through her mastery of color, form, and light.