The artwork titled “McSorley’s Bar” is an oil on canvas genre painting by John Sloan, created in 1912. Adopting the style of New Realism, Sloan’s work measures 66 by 81.2 cm and is part of the collection at the Detroit Institute of Arts in Detroit, Michigan, United States.
The artwork captures an everyday scene at McSorley’s Bar, offering a vibrant snapshot of early 20th-century life. It exudes a sense of warmth and community that bars like McSorley’s were known for during that era. The scene is characterized by the play of light and shadow, with the bar’s patrons depicted in a candid, unposed manner that is typical of Sloan’s work. The figures are portrayed engaged in conversation and social interaction, which is central to the genre painting as it illustrates a slice of day-to-day activity. The interior of the bar is adorned with various objects and memorabilia, creating a richly detailed background that invites close inspection. Sloan’s composition and his effective use of lighting contribute to a lively, yet intimate, atmosphere that tells of the character and dynamics of the place and its visitors.