The artwork, titled “Meadows near Rijswijk and the Schenkweg,” was created by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in 1882, during his residency in The Hague (Haag / Den Haag / La Haye), Netherlands. Executed in wash and watercolor on paper, this piece is a prime example of the Realism art movement and falls under the landscape genre.
In the artwork, a vast expanse of meadows is depicted, stretching out into the distance beneath a broad, cloud-filled sky. The muted tones and delicate washes of color emphasize the tranquility and openness of the rural landscape. A pathway lined with slender trees cuts through the fields, serving as a central element that guides the viewer’s eye towards a cluster of buildings in the background. The presence of small human figures along the path adds a sense of scale and context, grounding the scene in everyday life. The overall composition reflects Van Gogh’s sensitivity to nature and his ability to capture the serene beauty of the Dutch countryside.