The artwork titled “Merrie Christmas Couple Dancing Under the Mistletoe,” created by artist Norman Rockwell in 1928, is an oil on canvas painting that exemplifies the Regionalism art movement. Its dimensions are 66 x 86.4 cm, and it is categorized as a genre painting, currently housed in a private collection.
The artwork captures a cheerful couple engaged in a dance, as suggested by their dynamic postures and expressions, rendering a moment of festive exuberance. Positioned below a mistletoe hanging from above, the pair displays a sense of animation and levity, their faces gleaming with joy reflective of the holiday spirit. The gentleman is depicted wearing an orange coat with a bold white cravat, his face creased with a wide, infectious smile. The lady’s attire consists of an elegant dress in shades of gray and white, complemented by a matching bonnet, which lends her a dignified, yet spirited appearance.
Rockwell’s attention to detail can be observed in the portrayal of the garments’ textures and the lively facial expressions of the subjects. His composition is framed within an elliptical border, concentrating the observer’s focus on the high-spirited interaction between the individuals. This artwork conveys a palpable sense of warmth and merriment, characteristic of Rockwell’s ability to capture quintessentially American scenes and sentiments with an inviting, narrative quality.