The artwork titled “Mildred-O Hat” is a portrait created by Robert Henri, an artist associated with the American Realism movement. This painting falls within the genre of portraiture, depicting a young individual adorned in clothing and accessories that reflect a distinct character and personality.
In the artwork, a young person is portrayed donning a vibrant, reddish-brown hat that envelops much of the head. Draped in a richly colored garment, the subject’s attire is characterized by dynamic brushstrokes and expressive use of color, particularly in the blue and pink hues that embellish the clothing and the sitter’s complexion. The background is rendered in muted, earthy tones, allowing the figure to prominently stand out, exuding both strength and delicacy. The idiosyncratic features and the evident emotional depth conveyed through the sitter’s gaze are hallmark traits of Robert Henri’s portraiture within the American Realism movement.