The artwork titled “Mimi and her Cat” was executed by the artist Paul Gauguin in 1890, in France. This piece is a gouache on cardboard and is categorized as a portrait within the Post-Impressionism movement. The dimensions of the artwork are modest, measuring 17.6 by 16 cm. At present, the artwork is part of a private collection.
The artwork portrays a young girl, presumably named Mimi, in a close embrace with her cat. The girl is depicted from the side, with her head turned so that her profile is visible against a vibrant yellow-blue background. Her golden hair contrasts with the darker tones of her clothing and the orange hues of the cat. The cat appears to be a domestic short-haired variety, with a predominantly white body and orange patches. The animal’s expression is one of tranquil acceptance of the girl’s show of affection.
Gauguin’s brushwork here is loose and expressive, characteristic of the Post-Impressionist style, which sought to convey emotion and personal expression over the more rigid and detailed approach of the preceding Impressionist movement. The use of bright color and bold outlines reflects the artist’s symbolic and synthetist approach to color and form. Despite the work’s small scale, Gauguin manages to capture a moment of intimate companionship between the child and her pet, suggesting a narrative and emotional depth that invites contemplation.