“Mirror on the Wash Stand,” created by Pierre Bonnard in 1908, is an oil on canvas artwork measuring 97 by 120 centimeters. Pioneering the Intimism art movement, this genre painting is housed in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, Russia.
The artwork is a meticulous depiction of a domestic interior scene, characterized by Bonnard’s intimate and nuanced style. The composition centers around a washstand and features a large mirror that reflects two main figures. On the left, a seated figure, partially obscured by the bedclothes, gazes towards a nude individual facing away, both being seen through the mirror. The washstand itself is detailed with various objects, possibly everyday toiletry items, adding to the realism and intimate setting that Bonnard so often encapsulates in his works. The use of muted tones and intricate patterns adds depth, while the soft brushwork evokes a sense of quietness and private routine, emblematic of the Intimism movement.