The artwork titled “Miura Jirôemon Kanetsune,” created by Utagawa Kuniyoshi around c.1847 – c.1848, is a woodblock print exemplifying the Ukiyo-e art movement. Measuring 36.6 x 25.3 cm, this illustration belongs to the series “Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai” and is currently housed at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston, MA, US.
The artwork depicts a dynamic samurai scene. The figure of Miura Jirôemon Kanetsune is central, portrayed in an active stance with one arm raised and wielding a sword. The samurai’s facial expression is intense, indicating a moment of high drama or action. He is dressed in traditional, elaborate samurai attire featuring a richly patterned garment, which contrasts with the lighter background. To the left of the figure, there is a block of Japanese calligraphy recounting the narrative significance of this warrior in the context of loyalty and bravery. The use of vibrant colors and detailed patterns are characteristic of Kuniyoshi’s style, rendering a vivid portrayal of feudal Japan’s dramatic themes and cultural identity.