The artwork titled “Mlle Lucie Bellanger” is a creation by artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec from the year 1896. Crafted on cardboard, this piece is indicative of the Post-Impressionism movement and is classified as a sketch and study. Measuring 79 by 60 cm, the artwork presently resides in the Musee Toulouse-Lautrec in Albi, France.
The artwork showcases a figure, presumably Mlle Lucie Bellanger, captured in a candid and informal pose reminiscent of the casual snapshots of daily life preferred by Toulouse-Lautrec. The choice of medium, cardboard, lends a certain textural quality to the work, allowing the artist to explore the tonal variations and create a sense of depth that is not always apparent in more polished paintings. The strokes are expressive, emphasizing the artist’s interest in capturing the character and movement of the subject rather than adhering strictly to anatomical precision. The figure is presented with a sparing use of color, dominated by earthy tones with highlights that suggest light and form, skillfully engaging the viewer’s attention and encouraging a focus on the subtlety of the subject’s expression and stance.