The artwork titled “Mona Lisa at the Age of Twelve Years,” crafted by the artist Fernando Botero in 1959, belongs to the Neo-Figurative Art movement and is categorized as a portrait. The depiction offers a distinctive reinterpretation of the renowned “Mona Lisa” with a unique stylistic approach characteristic of Botero.
In the artwork, the subject is represented with a youthful demeanor, portraying the Mona Lisa as a twelve-year-old with exaggerated and rounded features, a signature of Botero’s aesthetic. The facial expression maintains the enigmatic smile, reminiscent of the original masterpiece. Bold and vibrant use of color is evident, with predominant earthy and subdued tones that define the face and the surrounding elements. The detailed brushstrokes in the background and attire provide a sense of depth and texture, emphasizing the form and volume that Botero is known for. This reinterpretation integrates elements of whimsy and modernity while paying homage to one of the most iconic figures in art history.