The artwork “Monsieur Louis Pascal from the Rear” was created by the renowned artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec in 1893. This genre painting, expressing elements characteristic of the Post-Impressionism movement, was executed using oil on cardboard. Today, the artwork is part of the collection at the Museu de Arte Assis Chateaubriand (MAC) located in Campina Grande, Brazil.
The artwork features a man viewed from behind, dressed in a formal coat and a top hat indicating a period setting. He appears to be standing in an interior space, poised near a door or an entrance. Toulouse-Lautrec’s use of brisk strokes and simplified form adds a dynamic quality to the composition, rendering the figure with vitality despite the lack of visible facial expression. The color palette is predominantly composed of dark hues, punctuated by the warm tones of the cardboard substrate showing through, and enriched with highlights suggesting the play of light upon the figure and surroundings. The artist’s characteristic style, capturing an impression of a moment with economy and agility, is evident in the work.