“Morning Breakfast,” created in 1887 by the acclaimed artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau, is an oil painting on canvas belonging to the Academicism movement. The genre painting, which measures 90.8 x 55.9 cm, captures a serene domestic scene with detailed realism and academic precision.
The artwork depicts a young girl seated on a bare ground, presumably on a patio or the yard of a home. The girl, dressed in simple yet neatly arranged attire, holds a bowl in one hand while using a spoon with the other, suggesting she is in the midst of having her morning meal. Her attire consists of a white blouse and a dark apron, typical of the simpler fashions of the late 19th century. Her slightly tousled hair is adorned with a dark ribbon, enhancing her innocent and unblemished appearance. The backdrop features a textured wall with minimal hints of greenery, including a plant with elongated leaves and reddish flowers, adding a natural element to the composition. The overall scene evokes a quiet, reflective moment, drawing the viewer’s attention to the girl’s calm demeanor and the simplicity of her morning ritual.