The artwork titled “Moses and the Striking Rock,” created by Marc Chagall in 1931 in Paris, France, is a representation belonging to the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement. Executed using gouache and oil on paper, the religious painting measures 61 x 49 cm.
In the artwork, Marc Chagall illustrates the biblical scene of Moses striking a rock to bring forth water for the Israelites. Dominated by earthy and muted tones, the painting captures a gathering of people, some holding vessels, eagerly reaching for the flowing water. The central figure of Moses, robed in green, is surrounded by other characters in vivid garments, including a prominent blue attire. The composition conveys a sense of community and divine intervention, emphasizing the spiritual significance of the moment. Rendered in Chagall’s characteristic style, the artwork blends expressive, almost childlike forms with a deep sense of narrative and emotion.