The artwork, titled “Mother Roulin with Her Baby,” was created by Vincent van Gogh in 1888 in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France. It is an oil painting on canvas, classified under the Post-Impressionism art movement. Measuring 51 by 63.5 cm, this portrait captures the intimate and tender scene of a mother holding her child.
In the artwork, the mother, dressed in a green garment, is seated with her baby on her lap. The child is adorned in a white garment, prominently contrasting with the mother’s attire. The background is rendered in a warm yellow hue, which accentuates the figures in the foreground. Van Gogh’s characteristic brushstrokes and use of vibrant colors imbue the painting with emotional depth and a sense of immediacy. The mother’s expression appears calm and introspective, while the baby gazes outward with a curious demeanor. The composition and palette reflect Van Gogh’s unique style and his ability to convey profound human emotions through his art.