The artwork titled “Mule” by the renowned artist Pablo Picasso, dated 1898, belongs to the Realism movement, a genre that Picasso dabbled in during his early artistic years. As an animal painting, this work predates Picasso’s eventual evolution into his signature styles that would later define modern art. Within the realistic depiction, there is an adherence to the lifelike portrayal of the subject, which, in this case, is a mule.
In the artwork, one can observe a mule standing facing left and positioned slightly off-center. The mule appears calm and is saddled with what looks like a pack or blanket, suggesting that it may be employed for labor or transport. The backdrop presents an outdoor setting, possibly a rural landscape, with broad brushstrokes suggesting trees and the sky. The color palette is naturalistic, with earthy tones dominating the composition, thereby enhancing the realism of the work. It is this attention to detail and setting, characteristic of the Realism movement, that allows the viewer to contemplate the everyday life of this animal within its environment.