The artwork titled “Musical instruments,” created by renowned artist Pablo Picasso in 1912, is an oil on canvas representation characteristic of the Cubist movement. Its dimensions are 99 by 80 cm, and it falls within the genre of still life. Currently, this piece is housed at the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
This particular painting by Picasso is a quintessential example of analytic cubism, a style and period in which objects are deconstructed into their constituent parts and reassembled in an abstracted form on the canvas. The artwork displays a variety of musical instruments, or parts thereof, in a fragmented manner typical of Cubism. Shapes overlap and intersect in a complex arrangement, creating a sense of depth and multiple perspectives within a single plane. The use of a monochromatic palette is interspersed with subtle hues, emphasizing the geometric forms and the shifting nature of perception that Cubism sought to explore. The oval format of the canvas further distinguishes the composition, making it a unique specimen within the artist’s body of work.