The artwork titled “Naked woman with dripping hair” was created by the renowned artist Pablo Picasso in 1902. This oil on canvas piece belongs to the Expressionism movement, measuring 62.2 x 34 cm, and falls within the nude painting genre (nu).
In the artwork, a life-sized nude female figure is depicted standing against a monochromatic background. Picasso employs a limited color palette, primarily consisting of blues and cool tones, which is characteristic of his Blue Period. The figure’s hair appears wet and is shown cascading down her back, imbuing the painting with a sense of immediacy and naturalness. The brushstrokes are visible and lend a textural quality to the piece, while the woman’s facial expression is rendered with careful attention to detail and communicates an evocative emotional depth. The overall composition is one of vulnerability and introspection, a theme commonly explored in Picasso’s Blue Period works.