The artwork titled “Near the Hearth,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1881 in Brussels, Belgium, is a distinguished piece from the Realism art movement, classified under the genre of genre painting. Executed with pencil and ink on paper, this notable work is currently housed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The artwork depicts a contemplative scene set indoors. A solitary figure, seated in a chair, is drawn close to the hearth, which emits a gentle glow, casting shadows and creating a warm atmosphere. The figure appears to be an elderly man, dressed in dark, modest attire, with a hat perched on his head. The detailed strokes and somber tones used by Van Gogh emphasize the tranquility and introspective nature of the scene. The hearth itself forms a central element of the composition, providing both physical and metaphorical warmth to the setting, encapsulating a moment of quiet reflection.