The Fish House, New England, 1934 is a painting created by Marsden Hartley during a financially difficult time in his life. The artwork is an oil on academy board, measuring 12 x 24 inches and depicts a beautiful sea view with a fish house in New England. Hartley was inspired by the region’s natural beauty and created several artworks featuring scenes of New England.
The painting is part of Hartley’s series of New England-inspired works which have received critical acclaim for their use of bold colors and unique style. “The Fish House” stands out for its depiction of the simple architecture that was common in the coastal areas of New England during that era. The paint strokes create texture on the walls of the fish house, showing off Hartley’s great attention to detail.
What makes this artwork alluring to art enthusiasts is its use of color and light to capture different moods: from tranquil mornings to serene afternoons when fishermen come back with their catch, then gradually turning into quiet evenings where they mend their nets under lamplight. Today, this artwork remains one of Hartley’s most celebrated works and has been exhibited in prestigious museums like The Metropolitan Museum of Art & The Whitney Museum.