The artwork titled “New Hoover Convertibles Green, Blue, New Hoover Convertibles, Green, Blue Doubledecker,” created by Jeff Koons between 1981 and 1987 in the United States, is a prominent piece within the genres of Conceptual Art and Neo-Pop Art. The medium utilized for this sculpture is ready-made objects, a characteristic feature of Koons’ work. This artwork captures the essence of those art movements by transforming everyday appliances into objects of artistic contemplation.
The sculpture consists of two vertically stacked sets of identical Hoover Convertible vacuum cleaners displayed within transparent plexiglass boxes. Each set includes green and blue vacuum cleaners, creating a sense of symmetry and industrial precision. By isolating these common household items in a clinical and polished presentation, Koons elevates their mundane functionality to the realm of high art, provoking a dialogue on consumerism, commodity fetishism, and the readymade aesthetic pioneered by Marcel Duchamp. The minimalist presentation accentuates the pristine, untouched condition of the vacuum cleaners, rendering a visual experience that is both contemplative and critical of contemporary consumer culture.