The artwork titled “New York,” created by Aaron Siskind in 1951, is a photographic representation deeply rooted in the Abstract Expressionist movement. As an art genre, it embodies the photographic medium, showcasing qualities that align with the expressive and conceptual nature of Abstract Expressionism, despite being a photo which traditionally captures reality.
In examining the artwork, one can observe a stark contrast between light and shadow that dominates the composition. The high-contrast black and white tones reveal silhouettes of various architectural forms and elements, which appear to be fragments of urban structures and buildings. The flatness and absence of conventional perspective contribute to the abstraction, inviting viewers to interpret the shapes as either literal fragments of the city environment or as subjective, almost poetic visual forms. The emphasis on texture and abstracted shapes over representational accuracy reflects the broader Abstract Expressionist aim to evoke emotions and concepts beyond immediate visual recognition.