The artwork, titled “Night Landscape,” was created by Pierre Bonnard in 1912 and is associated with the Post-Impressionism art movement. This piece, which falls within the landscape genre, measures 26.7 x 35.8 cm and is presently housed in a private collection.
In “Night Landscape,” Bonnard employs a rich color palette to evoke the serene and contemplative essence of a nocturnal scene. The painting features a vividly blue body of water that dominates the foreground, reflecting the serene ambiance of night. In the distance, gentle hills and mountains create a sense of depth and tranquility. The sky, painted with shades of golden browns, is adorned with soft, wispy clouds, suggesting a quiet, peaceful night. The presence of silhouetted trees in the lower portion of the painting adds a sense of grounding and contrast to the expansive scene. Bonnard’s characteristic use of color and light captures the subtle nuances of the night, creating an evocative and poetic landscape.