The artwork, titled “Nkem,” was created by Njideka Akunyili Crosby in 2012. It is a notable piece from the Postcolonial art movement and belongs to the genre painting category.
The artwork portrays a figure rendered in mixed media, blending elements of collage and painting. The figure stands in a relaxed pose, leaning against a shaded wall while gazing thoughtfully to the side. The clothing of the figure is intricately detailed with a collage of various images, perhaps reflecting cultural and historical narratives. The background consists of a deep purple segment on the left, an orange vertical stripe, and a turquoise wall, contributing to the overall vibrancy and complexity of the piece. The floor, covered with more collage imagery, enhances the thematic depth and provides a textured contrast to the simpler, flat areas of color. This composition eloquently interweaves personal and collective memory, characteristic of Njideka Akunyili Crosby’s work, creating a piece that is both visually captivating and rich in cultural significance.