The artwork, titled “Noah’s Cloak,” was created by artist Marc Chagall in 1931 in Paris, France. Rendered in gouache and oil on paper, this piece is a religious painting of the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement, measuring 63 by 48 centimeters.
The artwork presents a depiction of the Biblical story of Noah. In the scene, a foregrounded nude figure, presumably Noah, lies on the grass with an expression suggesting a state of unconsciousness or deep rest. He is partially draped in a white cloak held by a secondary figure standing beside him, who is shown in the act of covering him. The background is filled with lush greenery and a palm tree, contributing to the pastoral and serene atmosphere. The overall composition utilizes vivid, expressive brushstrokes characteristic of Chagall’s style, blending elements of spiritual narrative with a dreamlike quality.