The artwork titled “Notre Dame,” created by Henri Matisse in 1900, is classified under Realism and depicts a cityscape. This genre often strives to portray scenes in a realistic manner, capturing the essence of everyday life and urban settings with faithful attention to detail.
The artwork itself features a bustling urban environment with a view of the landmark Notre Dame Cathedral in the midst of Paris. The composition is marked by a rich application of paint, with thick, textured strokes that grant vibrancy and a sense of immediacy to the scene. Subdued yet varied colors create a dynamic atmosphere, suggesting the movement of city life set against the majestic and timeless silhouette of Notre Dame. The cathedral’s towers rise commandingly into the sky, serving as a focal point amid the surrounding cityscape, which is rendered with a blend of precision and painterly freedom. The river, possibly the Seine, is hinted at in the foreground, with boats and riverbanks visible, contributing to the overall impression of a lively and intricate urban milieu.