The artwork, titled “Nude on Sofa (Almaisa),” is an oil painting on canvas created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1916 in Paris, France. Measuring 81 by 116 centimeters, it is an expressionist work belonging to the genre of nude paintings (nu) and is currently held in a private collection.
The artwork portrays a nude woman reclining on a sofa, rendered in Modigliani’s signature style characterized by elongated forms and a smooth, almost sculptural quality. The background is kept in earthy tones, primarily shades of brown and muted red, effectively highlighting the subject’s pale skin tones. The model’s pose is both relaxed and confident, with one arm stretched behind her head, and the other resting gently on the sofa. Her facial features are distinctly stylized, with dark, almond-shaped eyes and a serene, contemplative expression. The painting exemplifies Modigliani’s ability to merge classical figuration with modern aesthetics, capturing the essence of the human form in a uniquely expressive manner.