“Nude with Coral Necklace,” created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1917 in Paris, France, is an exquisite oil painting on canvas that embodies the Expressionism art movement. The painting, measuring 66.5 x 101.5 cm, is a nude genre artwork currently located at the Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM) in Oberlin, Ohio, United States.
The artwork depicts a reclining nude woman, gazing ahead with a serene expression. The subject is adorned with a coral necklace, which adds a subtle yet vivid detail against her unclothed form. The background features a dark, muted setting, drawing focus to the subject’s soft contours and elongated form—a signature style of Modigliani. The placement and use of color, particularly the interplay of light and shadow on the figure, evoke a sense of intimate stillness and contemplative elegance in the painting.