The artwork, titled “Ocular,” is a portrait created by Dana Schutz in 2010. It is associated with the Neo-Expressionism art movement. In the artwork, Schutz employs bold and vibrant colors to depict a distinctive and imaginative scene. A large figure occupies the center with an oversized head, holding two objects to its eyes, possibly resembling lenses or optical devices. The figure is set against a divided, surreal background that appears to be an abstracted landscape with elements of both nature and dream-like imagery. The brushstrokes are expressive, adding texture and depth to the forms. The overall composition evokes a sense of whimsy and introspection, characteristic of Schutz’s unique style within the Neo-Expressionist genre.
Ocular (2010) by Dana Schutz
Artwork Information
Title | Ocular |
Artist | Dana Schutz |
Date | 2010 |
Art Movement | Neo-Expressionism |