The artwork titled “Olimpio Fusco,” created by John Singer Sargent, belongs to the Realism art movement and is classified within the genre of sketches and studies. In this depiction, Sargent has utilized black-and-white tones to render a detailed and expressive head study of a man. The artwork demonstrates a mastery of shading and form, highlighting the subject’s facial features and textured hair with meticulous precision. The serious expression and direct gaze of the subject contribute to the lifelike realism that Sargent skillfully captures. Below the portrait, the name “Olimpio Fusco” and an address are inscribed, suggesting a personal connection between the artist and the sitter. This piece exemplifies Sargent’s talent in capturing the essence and subtle details of his subjects through his adept sketching techniques.
Olimpio Fusco by John Singer Sargent
Artwork Information
Title | Olimpio Fusco |
Artist | John Singer Sargent |
Art Movement | Realism |